Headquarted in Dallas.
Serving Clients Worldwide.
by Marc C. Lenahan's
As Seen on:
Marc C. Lenahan:
The frequency of
When bombs explode, when ships are sunk, when planes are hijacked, when automatic weapons are emptied on innocents, the losses can be too much to comprehend, and the quest for any justice can seem futile. There may be no more complex challenge for a law firm than trying to secure a real measure of justice to families, businesses, and governments after a terrorist attack. There are no simple ways to sue terrorists or those that fed their hatred.
terrorists attackS
And the world’s turmoil is mounting again.
they never go away.
rises and falls, but
But Marc C. Lenahan is the Chair of the Injury and Terrorism Group of the World Law Alliance. He was born in Germany; raised in D.C.; graduated from high school in Panama while working for the Panama Canal Commission; earned his college and law school degrees in Texas; trained with the USMC in Quantico, and with Bellingcat in London; and has represented clients from Africa, Asia, Australia, Europe, North America, and South America.
“What could
have been
There are no easy answers to the question.
And while victimized individuals, businesses, and governments are trying to catch their breath, the assets and insurance proceeds that they assume will be there to collect when they are ready, are already being depleted by powerful entities even before the first tears have dried.
When terrorism
Marc asks:
Who was behind this?
What national and international laws can be applied?
What countries and what courts can decide the lawsuit?
Who do I need on our team?
We are paid
Only out of what
we recover for you.
Collecting what was won is hard, too.
Can we seize a ship in an overseas port?
Can we convince the legislators to distribute funds that they already seized?
Can the debt to you be addressed in the course of international relations?
Winning an international terrorism case is hard.
These are expensive,
hard, complex,
lengthy battles
with no guarantees of any real measure of justice.
But, even for losses sustained by businesses and governments, the Lenahan Law Firm never asks our clients to write us a check, ever. We fight these fights on a contingency basis, which means we only keep a percentage of what we recover for you, when he can, plus the reimbursement of our expenses. And if we can’t, you do not repay us any of what we invested. You don’t get a bill from us, you only get our apologies for not finding a way to collect for you.
call any time at all
for a free
Or send us a message:
with marC, personally
2655 Villa Creek Drive, Suite 204
Dallas, TX 75234
Toll Free: (888) 687-5105
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